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Braille Modular Printer

Client: Tecassistiva

Financing: FINEP

Equipped with robust hardware and a software architecture that will enable its integration with ATMs and other types of access terminals, the Braille Modular Printer (IBMO) is designed to print bank balances and statements in braille, enabling broader access for thousands of visually impaired people to automated services, providing this target population autonomy and security when conducting daily financial transactions.

The project lasted four years and its final product was a version of the Braille Modular Printer integrated to an ATM, on which tests were conducted with Braille instructors from recognized institutions, such as: the Instituto Benjamin Constant, the Associação dos Deficientes Visuais do Amazonas [The Association of the Visually Impaired of Amazonas], the Complexo Municipal de Educação Especial and EMEE André Vidal de Araújo. The results of the tests helped to measure the quality of the braille dot, the usability of the interface and the understanding of the needs of the target population.

The mechanical, electromechanical, electrical and software development of the Braille Modular Printer were conducted by the CERTI Amazônia staff in partnership with the TECASSISTIVA team, via the Public Call for Science and Technology Institutions – FINEP.


Education 4.0

Client: Positivo Development of a set of innovative educational solutions that integrate with the micro:bit and LEGO Mindstorms platforms, with the goal of educating Brazilian